Aug 17Liked by Amy Cerato

So it seems that Keyes is appearing to be untouchable by corporate or state entities, but has not really stated his clear position on the turnpike or Norman entertainment initiative and whether he will stand with the people or big business/government. This makes me nervous to support. Lisa sounds like she is running on Name only and is easily swayed to whoever benefits her most, that is a NO VOTE from me. The most important thing is we need our STATE representatives/senators to stand for peoples rights and property rights and not for Greedy business/bankers to profit from a over-reach whether it be in transportation or business districts.

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I agree that all our elected officials need to take a hard stance on shoring up private property rights. Keyes has come out hard against the turnpikes and was good friends with Stan Ward. He actually spoke at his funeral. With his war chest, I’m hoping he can withstand the temptations of PAC and lobbyist influence.

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His daughter is a lobbyist.

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When I have spoken to Robert Keyes on several occasions with the Turnpike concerns he speaks like he is intending on stopping the whole OTA with a bill. He said we have outgrown the need for them and they cost 3 times more to build. We have plenty of roads and highways we can update.

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This concurs with what he told me, he feels the state is better off with ODOT roads that aren't OTA limited access (making them much more expensive to build & less useful to public). He would like to rein-in OTAs powers. I was surprised by the contractor's group endorsement.

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Wrong if you think Lisa is easily swayed on anything. Very outspoken on what she supports and is against.

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Why do you believe Standridge would be easily swayed by anyone? Why do you think she would not represent her constituents or stand up for their rights?

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Aug 17Liked by Amy Cerato

Minor point in the SD15 race: OK Senate terms are 4 years, as opposed to the 2 years in the House.

I do think Lisa may be less reliant on funding because her husband’s name recognition provides her a pseudo-incumbent advantage. But it’s still quite a disparity in comparison to the amount Keyes has put into his campaign—which would likely send a message to potential challengers in 2028 that running against him is an uphill battle.


As for HD46, Rosecrants may be a longtime ally in the Turnpike fight (I’m not certain on Torvi’s stance, but he’s spoken on the importance of property rights, so hopefully that would include the eminent domain issue), but otherwise, Rosecrants has not accomplished a lot with his taxpayer salary. He has little willingness to cooperate with the Republican majority—often voting against or abstaining from many “red meat” bills that shore up Oklahoma’s traditional values, civil liberties, and wellbeing of the general public during this period of national decline.

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Thank you for catching that. I updated that senate term. I’ve become a focused voter these past few years, so I appreciate your viewpoint on all the other ‘non-transportation and non- eminent domain’ issues.

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Truth Rosecrants is weak on all counts. Keyes is a crap shoot and he's not spending all that money just to win SD15 but hey he says a lot of what people want to hear.

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Is there a smell of desperation in the air? Why would any respectable Republican or group of Republicans send out glossy campaign literature equating their Republican opponent with the Clintons? Literature featuring Lisa Standridge as “following the Clinton playbook” including fake images of Lisa and Rob with Bill and Hillary did just that. The state Republican Party denied knowledge of the 6x11” glossy, as did the county Republican Party, and at least one other candidate.

Who is the Sooner Conservatives Action, LLC who sent out this garbage? Big liberal special interest group or current RINOS in the Oklahoma State Legislature? Or maybe candidates themselves?

Perhaps Standridge can’t outspend her opponent, but then she’s not putting campaign stickers on USPS mailboxes.

Among others Standridge has been endorsed by Norman Mayor Heikkila, Pastor Joe Grizzle and Coach Barry Switzer.

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Jenni White, of the Rope Report, has put up an interesting study on the dark money coming into Oklahoma. https://rope2.org/category/corruption/

She has all the PACS tied together and it’s a serious cluster of money laundering. Many of the gross negative campaign ads are coming from out of state from subsidiaries of huge, well-funded PACS and c4s. I have no idea where the mailer you describe came from, and from watching this local/state political nonsense closely over the last ~3 years, neither does either campaign.

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The mailer she is referring to came from a 1 month box rental at a KWIK Copy in Shawnee and another 1 month rental in OKC. All mailers targeted Lisa Standridge, Shane Jett, Kendal Sacchieri, Denise Cross White Hader, Cody Rogers, Micheal Bergstrom, Johnathan Winguard, and Casey Murdock, The Dark Money groups Paid $25,000 for TV ads against Murdock along with their mailers and negative texts against these conservatives while promoting Greg McCourtney and Jessica Garvin. Both McCourtney and Garvin had an F rating with both OK2A and OKHPR! Tommie Herell was included along with democrats, McCourtney and Garvin as candidates they supported. I posted amounts and details on Facebook. Lot of Dark Money coming into our State. If you want representation and bills heard, vote for who these entities are against. Worked too hard to get rid of RINO's this election. Voting for Lisa a true conservative. We can't have Lonnie Paxton in Senate Leadership. Keyes says he will not take sides and use his negotiating skills in the Senate. You cannot negotiate with Paxton and his group. Nothing will change and bills will never get heard on the floor. We need Bullard in leadership. I don't expect Rosecrants to do anything other than what he's told to do by his caucus. He and Boren both jumped on board loudly, both up for re-election at that time and here he posted about the turnpike again this past week and guess what he's up for re-election again. He does nothing and has broke every appointment with me over the years. Standridge had a good bill and with all the resolutions, proposed changes and delays by Boren it died.

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And OK2A an OKHPR have endorsed her. My kids can't even play a game without a Keyes ad popping up. LISA IS STRONG, SMART, AND CAN HIT THE GROUND RUNNING. Don't trust Keyes with all his not taking sides and bragging about how rich he is. Your taking sides when you vote Yay or Nay on a bill!. Keeping all flyers and campaign promises and voting for Lisa Standridge.

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